Frequently asked questions

What costs may be incurred in addition to the monthly subscription rate?

Your monthly rate includes everything except refueling/recharging, parking costs and additional fees such as tolls abroad, parking tickets or towing charges.

In addition to the monthly rate, a deposit is due, which will be transferred back to you at the end of the subscription.

In the event of traffic violations or administrative offences, contractual penalties or flat-rate costs may be incurred, which can be found in our General Terms and Conditions (Appendix 1).

Do I need to refuel or charge SHARE NOW cars after each station-based trip?

You may need to refuel or charge our cars at the end of your trip. However, the cost of fuelling and charging is always covered by us.

Combustion engine cars and hybrids: To end your trip at station-based locations, your car must have a fuel level above 25%. We recommend locating a partner fuel station and in the app and fill up before before returning to the car's Home Station. It's free!

Fully electric cars: To end your trip at station-based locations, you need to plug in your electric car before ending your trip via the app. There is no minimum battery level required to end your trip.

How do I refuel SHARE NOW cars?
How do I charge an electric car?

How do I refuel SHARE NOW cars?

You don't have to refuel our cars, but if you choose to, the cost is on us and we'll even give you credit for it!

Here's how to refuel our cars:

  1. Use the app to find a partner petrol station. Digital fuelling is available at more than 1,500 Shell stations across Germany.
  2. Select the Refuel option in the app.
  3. Before picking up the nozzle, enter your pump number in the app.
  4. Fill up the tank - the cost of your fuel is on us!
  5. Once you're done fuelling, replace the nozzle.
  6. We'll take care of the payment automatically and, where applicable, apply SHARE NOW credit to your account.

Hint: Each time you fully refuel a car that has less than 40% of fuel, you earn 5€ of credit. This will be used to pay for your trips and trip-related costs. Fueling is free unless you do so at unapproved petrol stations or outside of the country. In these cases, you'll have to pay for it yourself and send the original receipt to us.

Note: Some of our cars still contain a Total fuel card. If your car has one, you can refuel at any Total or Aral partner fuel station just like before.

What type of fuel should I refuel with?

Our global fleet is comprised of mostly petrol engine cars, but we still have a few diesel engine cars. Make sure you check the instructions in the SHARE NOW app and inside the fuel tank flap before refuelling your car.

What is included in my monthly rate with the car subscription?

Everything is included in your monthly rate, except for refuelling or recharging, parking costs, and additional fees such as tolls abroad.

You don't have to worry about insurance, and we also take care of the maintenance of the vehicle. In addition, you don't have to worry about the depreciation of the vehicle and we also handle the claims including 24/7 roadside assistance.

What are partner fuel stations?

You don't have to refuel our cars, but if you do, the cost is on us. Fuelling your SHARE NOW car is free – as long as you do so at a partner fuel station. Simply check the app for all partner fuel stations in your area. We provide a prepaid fuel card in each of our cars (glove compartment or armrest), which you can use at the following petrol stations:

BP, Avanti, OMV, Agip.

Shell (payment via the SHARE NOW app in over 1,500 Shell fuel stations)
Aral, Total (payment with Total fuel card)


If you fuel your car at a non-partner fuel station or outside of the country, you have to pay for it yourself and send the original receipt to us.

I had to pay to refuel my car. How can I get reimbursed?

Thank you for keeping the SHARE NOW fleet fuelled and ready to roll!

To get a refund for money spent fuelling our cars during a trip, just open the SHARE NOW app. Once your trip has ended, you can find it in the app under "Trips & Invoices". Any trips where you refuelled will appear here with a gas station icon next to them. Go to Menu 👤 > Trips & Invoices > open the corresponding trip > Tap the “Request fuelling refund” button.

Simply follow the steps from there: Upload a photo of your receipt, choose between SHARE NOW credit or bank transfer, and submit your request. Our customer service team will then process it.

Please note: Refunds by bank transfer may take up to 2 weeks whereas refunds in SHARE NOW credit usually take a couple of days.

How can I earn SHARE NOW credit?

Credit is an easy and flexible way for you to earn as you go. It's our way of thanking you when you care for our cars. Here's how you can earn credit:

✓ Fully refuel a car with less than 40% of fuel – 5,00 € of credit
✓ Charge an electric car with less than 35% of battery – 5,00 € of credit

Credit will be added to your account after your trip ends*. You can always check your credit balance and expiry date in the app.

Important: You can only earn or use credit if you're driving using your default personal payment profile. 
Hint: To earn charging credit, please make sure to end your trip after the car has started charging!

*For refuelling, you can receive credit a maximum of two times per vehicle per day (24 hours). For charging, you can receive credit a maximum of once a day (24 hours) per vehicle.